Friday, August 22, 2008

Dog (Cat) Days

of summer. Not much going on this past week except for a couple "opening" 'picnics' - one for Adventurers and one for our CHE co-op. We also had our first violin group on Wednesday and cello group on Thursday.

What are you dreaming about Bud?
SO hard to be a prisoner

Buddy has to wear a bib for drooling

What a sweet boy is Booboo!  Always happy for a snuggle, just like Bud.

And you're a sweet girl too!
Question for the week: Will America come to economic collapse in the next few weeks? We are hearing about it... How easy it is to continue as we are and to bury our heads in the sand. But we know that life as we know it will not continue on as it is now forever - God is about to wrap things up and has warned us in the Bible that things will not be pleasant on the earth just before His coming, as He withdraws His protection and allows the devil to have his complete way. Don't lose hope during this time. Remember the Israelites and how God brought them through one thing and another until they eventually reached the promised land.

Let us run the race set before us and not be slackers. The Olympics have shown us how much preparation and discipline is needed before reaching that level. Spiritually we need to be prepared too - to practice being completely surrendered to our "General" Jesus and to practice living by faith during the most trying and tough times of earth's history.

Pray, pray, pray!! Here is a quote:

"We do not value the power and efficacy of prayer as we should. Prayer and faith will do what no power on earth can accomplish" from the book,Prayer, by E. G. White, p.83.

Not much news this week. Happy Sabbath!

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