The first, April 13:
The next, April 17:
The last, today, April 24:
So, our azaleas are in their amazing peak now:
A couple weekends ago was S's Almuni (also known as Alumni) weekend.
It's nice to know he comes from such an outstanding academic institution. Frankly, we wondered , at first, if it was actually a Trekkie convention. But then we saw some friends, and even relatives, so we knew it couldn't be!!
During groupie, uh, group photos, this little doggie came all by himself and sat himself down to get his little mug in the picture! What a smart hound! (Sorry my camera made all these blotches on the picture - one right on his nose!)
C has had and will have, a number of performances and recitals in these two weeks (last and next). On Tuesday night she played her violin in a recital for the first time - Witches' Dance, and did very well. Tomorrow she plays cello in orchestra and promises us this will be spectacular! She's especially excited about two gavotte's by JS Bach. Then next Thursday will be another recital on cello. We haven't quite decided whether to play the Adagio or the Allegro of Marcello's something or other. Since it's an end-of-year type of recital, there'll be about 40 kids playing so we'll have to choose something relatively short.
Oh yes, some more big news is that we have the garden ploughed and quite a bit put in already. It's been so wet lately we haven't been able to do much. Here's Mr Allen doing his thing.
And here is another of C's house creations - this time some kind of tent over an old playset found abandoned when we moved in 5 yrs ago - it has finally realized its destiny!
And that brings us to the end of our lovely spring photo album for now. Next time watch for "Reasons I'm glad to be from the South" funny photos gleaned from the internet grape vine.
Happy Sabbath ya'll!
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