Saturday, November 20, 2010

We still don't know!

Just drove by the "blossom" trees again today.  They're still confused.

This is blooming longer than it would in the spring.  Do you know why?  Perhaps it's because there are fewer insects around to pollinate the stupid confused tree!  Of course I'm all tongue in cheek about the stupid tree.  I'm rather glad we have such a cheerful tree reminding us that spring is on its way - even if we do have to wait another 6 months for it!!  Do you remember last year's photo around this time? It was snow-covered.  But still patiently waiting for a kind bee or two to pollinate it! (check out the December 5, 2009 posting)

Another gorgeous view.  Since my previous post, most of the other leaves have fallen but these few ones like to complement each another. (albeit in their own odd way) They do their own special little dance every fall - the only ones - oblivious to custom, blind to the way things "should" be!  How sweet.

Sorry about the focus - it's all about the composition and subject matter in this one, right?  Oh wait, it's OK - it's just my glasses that are dirty!

C took this one just down the road from the others.  The Bradford pears are in their peak all over the place right now. I don't ever remember them being so prominent before - maybe they're later than usual this year?
 Well, these were a few Sabbath blessings!  Hope you enjoyed them.

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