Saturday, October 25, 2014

Throw back Photos I

In trying to up date all the old deleted photos from the 2007 and 2008 blogs, I came across a lot of old photos of then and (mostly) before so will make this "Throw back Thursday" on a Friday and post a bunch of old pics here.

Hair being done for the 2008 wedding

Village Chapel Primary class
Our first time to Lake Winnie - 05, 06 or 07!

Yes, close your eyes.  We're all so fat!

Now you can smile cos we're all so thin

Now that C is big enough for the big rides, the bigger version of this ride has turned out to be her favorite.

How quickly they grow up! So cute!

Curlers all ready for tomorrow (Sabbath?)
Another year at Lake Winnie

With her friend R

Looks about 5 here

and here

C took this one

And this one

The next few are from A and M's 2008 wedding

Trying to keep warm

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