Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Africa Day Five ( Sunday, Nov 30)

Early morning walk on the Strand beach then a lovely putu and stew breakfast with the "clan", then Cindy took the girls shopping while S and I did our own thing.

Early morning walk.  Seems like several others had the same idea.
End of the beach

A bird sanctuary at the end of the beach

Glenn played beach volleyball every Sunday the weather was good.

A delicious brunch after our beach walk.

Our gracious hosts
After stopping in briefly at the S/W mall, S and I went to a flea market near the strawberry fields (on Friday's blog) and spent a couple hours here.

This is the food court tent.  Quite warm!
Live music and dancing (we watched!)
Back home, we walked by the park to the Lourensford river

A popular place to walk the dogs - no leashes needed!

The river.  I don't know why I expected a paved path...surely I know better, haha. I'm really Americanized now!
Roloff Park is a popular place for cricket, baseball, volleyball, soccer and just playing around.
What a gorgeous day!
Having an informal volleyball game
W and L had a funny book of humourous signs.  I could add a few of my own.
 ('Huis toe' means "home"; 'Maan toe' means "to the moon"; 'Moer toe' means slang for "somewhere where you get beaten up," etc or "dregs" i.e: it isn't somewhere you want to go; 'boesmanland plaaskombuis' means "Bushmanland farm kitchen")

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